Accolades Trailer
Out latest trailer in glorious 1080p HD. Check out the latest press quotes about Armillo!
Armillo Launch Trailer
This is the official Armillo launch trailer which features our cinematic intro, telling the story from the Darkbot perspective. We released this [...]

Player Impressions: Nels Anderson on Audio, Game Design & Camera
Nels Anderson : Lead Designer Mark of The Ninja (Klei Entertainment) Lead Designer / Producer : Campo Santo
Player Impressions – Kimberly Voll
Industry expert Dr. Kimberly Voll chats about art style, sound and other game features.
Concept Art & Sketches
An early video showcasing Terry Chui's beautiful concept art, and some pre-3D modelling sketches.

Indie Corner “The Creativity Behind Armillo”
In this online interview Jason Lepine & Shawn Long interview Yanni from Fuzzy Wuzzy Games to discuss the development process of Armillo. Transcription kindly [...]

A World First ! Carmen is the first person to beat Armillo!
Carmen @LXstudio plays armillo at NorthWestFanFest 2014 and talks about her experience. Recorded at July 28 & 29 2014

Audio Diaries 1 – Behind the Music
In this interview we discuss how music became an integral part of the gameplay for Armillo. Part 1 [...]

Audio Diaries 2 – The Most Difficult Task
In this interview we get down to the bottom of the most challenging audio task in Armillo. This is 2 of a 3 part series hosted [...]

Audio Diaries 3 – Creating Rolling Sound Effects
We chat about the recording and implementation of rolling audio for all of the various surfaces Armillo and how this sound was important to [...]

Nintendo World Report Interview With Aaron Brown
Aaron Brown fron Nintendo World Report talks with Yanni about Armillo, design choices and inspiration. Armillo has been in the works for [...]