Congratulations for helping make Armillo a success 

…and thanks for taking him for a spin!

Thank you for making Armillo a success !

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from all of us at Team Fuzzy.

Wow what a year it’s been!

After 3.5 years of gruelling development, trade shows, blood, sweat and tears we officially launched Armillo to positive reviews!  Did you know the core team was based in Vancouver, Canada with supporting members in the US, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Portugal, Spain, Italy, France, Belgium, England, Germany and Japan all working together to bring you this extraordinary  game ?

We had over 100 people reviewing our game and feedback was overwhelmingly positive from youtube reviews, to print magazines, Miiverse, Reddit and Twitter we all humbly say “thank you for taking the time to play and talk about our game. The only reason Armillo has been a success is because you (yes YOU) took the time to talk about it!

We wish you and your loved ones all the best for this holiday season and an even better 2015!

Warmest Regards,

Armillo & Team Fuzzy

P.S. Please help us spread the word. Look for details in the bottom.

Absolutely fantastic.

– Always Nintendo

There’s only one word: Infectious!

– Nintendo Enthusiast

There’s a lot to do, it’s so addictive.

– Victor Lucas, Electric Playground

Amazing gameplay, perfect controls, gorgeous visuals and an epic soundtrack.

– Shigeru & Co. Reviews

A top notch game that belongs in everyone’s Wii U library.

– Wii Ware Wave

Buy Armillo. There honestly isn’t a single reason not to…unless you hate video games.

– She Attack

For $8 it’s easily the best indie experience you can get on the Wii U eShop right now. Period.

– Always Nintendo

Shigery & Co. Reviews  10/10

Electric Playground  8/10

Pure Nintendo  9.2/10

Sonic Frenzy Gaming  9.5/10

Wii Ware Wave  9.5/10

Game Gravy  9/10

The Nintendo Home  9/10

Nintendo Feed  9/10

The Nintendo Objective  9/10

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